Är tillbaka för att stanna.

Jag vet, uppdateringen från min sida har legat i bott jag vet inte hur länge.. Har varit sjukt svårt att komma tillbaka efter pausen, man är inte insatt at all och förstår helt enkelt inget vad som hänt/händer. Men nu är jag tillbaka, och är här för att stanna. Ska försöka mig på ungefär ett inlägg om dagen. Vissa dagar får ju självklart bli undantag, men ni slipper mig inte längre! ;)

Bjuder på bild från scenen vi alla längtar efter. Hoppashoppas den finns med!


Yttligare 2 bilder

2 nya BD bilder!
Se några fler här.

UPDATE!: Fem till i mycket bättre kvalitét! Hur snygga & efterlängtade?! 

Bildkälla 1 , 2

Stillbilder från en tidning + video.

Stillbilder ur en Amerikansk? tidning från Breaking Dawn! + en video från inspelningarna i Carribean. Enjoy!
Btw, kolla Alices frisyr på andra bilden, kan bara säga att jag inte gillar den!

Längtar sjukt mycket till Trailern! dock inte så långt kvar om den visas på Mtv Movie Awards i juni?! :D

Bild & Video källa

Rob & Kristen filmar det sista av BD i Caribbean (110422)


(Se fler bilder här.)

"Robert Pattinson and real-life love Kristen Stewart mark the end of the hugely successful Twilight franchise, shooting the sexy last scenes of the sagas final movie, Breaking Dawn, in the Caribbean. Under cover of darkness, the couple spent nearly three hours in the sea in a secluded cove, shooting hotly-anticipated love scenes between their characters, Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. Stewart showed off her slender frame in a lime green bikini, curiously unfastened at the back, as she strolled down the beach on St Thomas, in the US Virgin Islands, before joining Pattinson in the sea. Armed police patrolled the beach, while a police launch bobbed about in the sea, trying to ensure no one would get a glimpse of the filming, which went on until almost 5am."


Rob & Kristen fortsätter spela in BD?!

Kristen Stewart left Vancouver early this morning, packing up all her sh-t, gone for good having wrapped all shooting requirements in Canada. There's still a little more work to be done though. This a little later.

It's been a busy week of flying for Stewart so far. On Saturday night she flew to New York with boyfriend Robert Pattinson to support him at his premiere for Water For Elephants on Sunday. She did not walk the carpet. The two however were caught getting kissy while leaving. So... go see Water For Elephants!

On Monday she was expected back on set in Vancouver where she worked until yesterday and, as you can see, is heading out for a little break before my sources tell me exclusively she'll work on reshoots in the Virgin Islands where she and Robert Pattinson are expected to polish a few honeymoon scenes before finally closing production on a franchise that has dominated their lives for 3 years.

Källa 12

Både dåliga & bra nyheter.

Ja.. alla inspelningar är slut & alla skådespelare börjar dra sig tillbaka hem från Vancouver.

Anna Kendrick

Michael Welch

Kellan Lutz & Jackson Rathbone

Ashley Greene & Nikki Reed


Breaking Dawn Trailern kommer troligtvis släppas på MTV Movie Awards som är i början av juni (tänk på att det inte har bekräftats av Summit), där många i Twilight-castet är nominerade. Mindre än 2 månader kvar ju!

Källor | kristens.se & twilightmovie

Bilder från Kristens födelsedag/'BD partyt'


Så här skriver popsugar (se även fler bilder där!)

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart partied late into the night in Vancouver on Saturday to celebrate wrapping Breaking Dawn and her 21st birthday! The two were spotted sharing cigarettes outside the bash, and Robert took a turn on Taylor Lautner's motorcycle. Taylor and Lily Collins went out on a date in the Canadian city earlier in the week, and this time she got to meet the whole cast and take a turn on the bike as well as they celebrated finishing filming on the last two Twilight movies. Robert and Kristen also huddled close and shared a quick kiss outside the soiree. Rob had a bit of a James Dean thing going on when he jumped on the bike, and he looked like he was having a great time letting loose with his friends.

Källa | popsugar

Everything has an end..

We’d like to congratule the whole Twilight team and everyone who’s made these four films possible. Producers and actors have been working non-stop since 2007 to bring the Twilight series to life.

It’s been 4 wonderful years of premieres, interviews, events, parties and hard work.  Sadly, Breaking Dawn filming has wrapped in Vancouver. Yesterday (Saturday night) the cast and crew celebrated not only Kristen Stewart’s birthday but also the end of the shooting, in a big ‘wrap-party’.

Although there’s a rumor regarding two last filming dates (somewhere outside Vancouver) nothing’s been confirmed yet, and as we reported earlier, the cast is expected to fly back to their respective cities throughout the week.

It’s such a sad moment to everyone, buf of course Twilight will always be with us. We have the books, the dvd’s, the memories and yet two more movies to come!

Via nessiemackenzie

Tidigare twittrade också Kiowa Gordon (Embry) det här:

Alla inspelningar börjar lida mot sitt slut. Hur sorgligt?

Källor | Twilightmovie & KristenS

Det twittras endel!


Som sagt, så har antagligen började dom spela in sjävla bröllopet i går/i går natt någon gång. Underbart!

Källa | kristens.se

Cullen's hus byggs upp igen!

Yes, Cullen's hus är på väg upp igen, denna gång för att spela in bröllops scenerna!

Källa | twifans.com

Rob om de läckta BD bilderna.


Summit om de läckta Breaking Dawn bilderna.

Dear Twilight Saga fans.

As some of you may know, pictures and screen grabs of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn as a work in progress have leaked on the internet. We are extremely proud of this film and also extremely heartbroken to see it out there at this stage.

The film and these images are not yet ready or in their proper context. They were illegally obtained and their early dissemination is deeply upsetting to the actors, the filmmakers and Summit who are working so hard to bring these movies to fruition to you in November 2011 and November 2012.

Please, for those who are posting, stop. And please, though the temptation is high, don’t view or pass on these images. Wait for the film in its beautiful, finished entirety to thrill you.

Stephenie Meyer, Bill Condon, Wyck Godfrey and Summit Entertainment.


Intervju med Stephenie Meyer

UsaToday har intervjuat Stephenie Meyer, hon berättar om bl.a Bellas förvandling, kommande boken "The official illustrated guide", BD, m.m. Jag plockade ut det mest 'intressanta' & roliga ur intervjun och om ni vill läsa hela, klickar ni här.

- On the illustrated guide: "My favorite part is the vampire histories. There's a lot there that's new. Alice's (Cullen) back story is one no one has known until now. And I think fans will be surprised at how much fun (Cullen nemesis) Victoria's story is."

- On whether she'll ever write more books about Edward and Bella: "The story's already been told, and I doubt I'll ever write another series based on the same characters."

- On the possibility she'd ever finish Midnight Sun, a Twilight novel told from Edward's viewpoint that she nixed when parts of it were leaked online in 2008: "I'm hoping to do it someday because I know that's what people want. No matter what book I put out from here to eternity they'll want Midnight Sun, but I'm just not writing about vampires right now."

- On an as-yet-untitled book she might publish next: "It's a fantasy that takes place in another world where people are using bows and arrows and swords. There's a little bit of magic, but it's a very limited form of magic. The characters are human, and some have the ability to use magic and some don't. It's pretty dark. People die. The main character is a 17-year-old girl, and she's kind of cool."

What Meyer says about the filming of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, which because of the expansive story line is being told in two parts.

- The much-anticipated wedding of Edward and Bella has not been filmed yet, but Stewart is being fitted for the as-yet-unrevealed bridal gown. "It's such an interesting mix," says Meyer. "It has a vintage feel, but at the same time, there's an edge to it. It's really beautiful. And then on Kristen — oh, she looks amazing in clothes —and in that dress she's so lithe and unbelievable."

- On working with Pattinson and Lautner: "Rob is more like Jacob than Edward. He's goofy, he's funny, he doesn't take much seriously. But he can turn Edward on like that (she snaps her fingers) when he needs to be Edward. Taylor's who we hang out with most. He's a lot like fun, happy Jacob."

- Fans, says Meyer, can expect a surprising performance when Stewart transforms from human to vampire. "She's created a new character. I was really impressed. I've only really seen her as (the human) Bella, so to have her step up and change it in the right way — she didn't have to talk to me. She knew. She knows the character so well now. She has really good instincts, and she looks amazing."

- Meyer says the first Breaking Dawn movie may end "when Bella opens her eyes as a vampire. That's the way it's been shot. They can still do it any other way, but I think that's the general idea. You kind of have to get there in the first film. That way you have all the time in the world to explore being a vampire and those exhilarating first moments."

- On the filming of the birth of Bella and Edward's baby, Renesmee, which in the novel is frightening and horrific, she says, "I've only seen a rough cut and there are pieces missing, but I don't feel like it's graphic. You're not seeing it, but you know what's happened. It's emotional. It doesn't feel horror-ish. There's blood, probably the most blood we've ever seen in the series. But everything's in flux; we'll see in the final cut."

With the second Breaking Dawn movie not out until 2012, Meyer's emotional connection to the Twilight world will be an intimate one for months to come. She's waiting for the moment when the finality of it hits.

- "I don't know when it's going to get me," she says, "but I know it will, and at that point I'm going to be a sobbing mess on the floor."

Källor | Bildkälla - UsaToday

1:sta promo-postern

Första promo-postern för Breaking Dawn part; 1.


Bella & Charlies hus har tagits ner en sista gång.

Bella och Charlies hus har packats upp & ner en sista gång. I går monterades det ner för allra sista gången i Vancouver.


Källa | kristens.se

Robert bekräftar att födelsescenen har spelats in.

OBS! Innehåller spoilers!

Rob har nu sagt att födelsescenen där Edward utför ett kejsarsnitt med sina tänder på Bella, har spelats in.
"Ja, jag har gjort det. Jag tuggade på det och spottade ut det (skratt). Breaking Dawn kommer bli helt annorlunda jämfört med de andra filmerna - mer som en skräckfilm. Bara en del av materialet gör den oundvikligen mer annorlunda. Boken är helt galen!" säger han till TotalFilm.

Läs mer om det här.

Haha, snacka om att jag längtar till novemeber! Men jag fattar inte, i april ska alla inspelningar vara klara (sista scenen som kommer spelas in är bröllops scenerna!) det här har ju hållt på sen 2008, när hela twilight-hysterin började. Snart slut. Suck. Även om vi har 2 filmer kvar att se framemot, så är ändå inspelningarna över. Dåligt att det är så långt emellan båda filmerna också. Eller vad tycker ni? Kommentera!

Källor | kristens.se - twilightsweden - totalfilm

Första BD part 1 klippet visas på Comic Icon

Nu är det nästan klart - första Breaking Dawn part 1 klippet kommer visas på Comic Icon som håller på under 21-24 juli. Great!

Källa | twilightmovie

Nikki om BD.


Breaking Dawn budgeten

bild från världspremiären av Eclipse i Los Angeles i somras.

Rubriken låter väl inte sådär jätterolig, haha, men läste hur mycket Breaking Dawn 1 & 2 kommer ha i budget och tänkte att det kanske skulle vara lite roligt att veta.

Breaking Dawn part 1: 127.5 miljoner dollar (= ca. 808 miljoner svenska kronor.) 
Breaking Dawn part 2: 136.2 miljoner dollar (= ca. 866 miljoner svenska kronor.)

Så om man jämför med dom tidigare filmerna är det väldigt mycket mer pengar.
Twilight: 37 miljoner dollar (= ca. 235 miljoner kr.)
New moon: 50 miljoner dollar (= ca. 308 miljoner kr.)
Eclipse: 68 miljoner dollar (= ca. 433 miljoner kr.)

Däremot är båda Breaking Dawn filmerna beräknade att ta in över 1,2 miljader dollar! Helt sjukt!



Läste här, att det första klippet från Breaking Dawn part 1 kommer visas på Comic icon i Juli,
Men det sägs också att hela trailern kommer visas på MTV galan som brukar vara i juni/juli någon gång?!
Vi får se, dock väldigt lååångt kvar, men något att se fram emot, helt klart! :)

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