
Å, är det bara jag som verkligen älskar twilight-citat? Här har ni några från Breaking Dawn jag gillar, inte alla (!!!) men några:

Charlie, I realize that I’ve gone about this out of order. Traditionally, I should have asked you first. I mean no disrespect, but since Bella has already said yes and I don’t want to diminish her choice in the matter, instead of asking you for her hand, I’m asking for your blessing. We’re getting married, Charlie. I love her more than anything in the world, more than my own life, and – by some miracle – she loves me that way, too. Will you give us your blessing?

Edward Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 1, p.15

No one dressed by me ever looks like an idiot.

Alice Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 1, p.20

I’ll miss my friends, too. Especially Mike. Oh, Mike! How will I go on?

Bella Swan, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 2, p.27

Yeah – the party can start. The best man finally made it.

Jacob Black, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 4, p.58


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