Bel Ami Trailer
Via Robstenation
I'm back on track. I hope.
Har haft en väldigt jobbig vecka, men ska försöka ta tag i lite saker nu, känner att jag behöver det!
Här är några nya outtakes i HQ från Robs photoshoot med "Endless", 2010.
Sen skulle ju vara kul att få lite respons av er läsare, jag ser ju att ni finns!
Rob på Jimmy Fallon, 11.11.11
Via Robstenation
Rob på 'Today Show'
Rob gästar Regis & Kelly
Rob på 'Late Show With David Letterman' 111108
Rob pratar om Breaking Dawn, Cosmopolis och all hyper omkring Twilight & vampyrer.
Via RPlife
Rob's intervju med Parade
Det är samma intervju som denna, men med längre svar.
On Edward's sex appeal.
"I don’t think I’ve ever seen a vampire movie where I think the vampires are attractive. OK, girls are sometimes kind of sexy, but guys end up looking worse than they do in their real life with the pale make-up and the fangs. I’ve watched True Blood and all those guys are great looking, but you put vampire make-up on them and they look less handsome on the show than they do in reality."
On his steamy scenes with Kristen Stewart.
"I think the more comfortable you are with each other, the harder it gets to do any kind of really intense relationship scene. You’re kind of thinking, 'I don’t want to embarrass myself in front of this person,' 'I know what she’s thinking now,' so it becomes ridiculous after awhile. Watching other people have sex is never going to be that spectacular anyway. It’s a strange thing when there’s so much hype about it. You are like, 'God, I hope this lives up to it.' The toughest part was avoiding an R-rating. It’s funny when people talk about the sex scenes in the book because there are no sex scenes in the book. Go back and read. They always fade to black."
It's not as romantic as it looks.
"We show romance in the bedroom and also in a nice ocean setting. It was impossible in the waves. We were trying to kiss each other and we misjudged the strength of the tide and so it was absolutely one of the most difficult things I’ve ever had to do in my life. There were big waves and Kristen and I were standing on boxes tied down to the shore. God, it was absolutely impossible. One thing I have to say, we shot those scenes in the Caribbean, so the water was warm."
On his impressive six-pack.
"There are so many descriptions in the book of Edward’s statuesque body — it’s all made of marble, blah blah blah. I managed to get through the entire series without taking my shirt off the whole time. I was like, ‘Nah, I’m not taking it off ever, and I’m not working out!’ Then, when we did Breaking Dawn, I thought, ‘It’s the last one, I might as well.’ So I kind of worked out to bulk up a little for those scenes with my shirt off. I stopped literally the day afterwards. I find it very boring to work out."
The spotlight wasn't on him during the big wedding scene.
"The majority of guys who are getting married would have the same experience that I did, which is that you’re just standing there waiting at the altar. It’s not about you at all. Kristen has to do all the heavy lifting. She’s having to go through everything walking down the aisle, and I’m just standing there, ‘You look really good! Let’s get married! Cool!’ It was quite simple for me."
When it comes to love and marriage, just call him old-fashioned.
"I guess I must be because everyone is always telling me that Edward is kind of old-fashioned, but I always see him as fairly normal. I mean, he just knows what he wants. He’s in love with someone and he just likes the idea of getting married to them. I guess I kind of agree with that."
On becoming a daddy.
"Nobody really knows how to be a father, there’s no way to prepare for it. But it’s quite easy to play in a film when you are holding a baby. The little person is crying in your arms and you end up being very careful. When you portraying a father, you can kind of avoid all the annoying parts of having a kid because there’s someone else to take care of it."
On Twilight coming to an end.
"The one time we filmed in nice weather was literally the last day of production. Kristen and I were on the beach and just making out all night. That’s not too bad. It was just the two of us and it was really nice. Everybody stayed to watch the sunrise, which was really beautiful. It was a nice ending."
As for the future.
"I feel like I’ve kind of been in a whirlwind for so long, even though I’ve done other movies in between. Whenever you promote something, they always want you to talk about Twilight, so it’s kind of constant. I am living a life which I didn’t really know existed. You can kind of delay being an adult for quite a while."
Via RPlife
Ny bild på Rob
Ny bild på Robert Pattinson på Twilight Convention.

Rob nominerad i Brittiska TCA.
Rob är nominerad för Best British Actor i BBC 1 Teen Choice Awards 2011.
Dock kan bara personer som bor i UK rösta, tyvärr.
Här är iallafall Rob förra året, då han vann pris för Best Actor och Best Dressed.
Via Robstenation
WFE - stills.
Har ni inte sett filmen tycker jag verkligen ni ska göra det. Den är riktigt bra om man bortser från att Robert & Reese inte passar ihop alls, haha.
New outtakes of Rob.
Så snygg!
New 'Bel Ami' stills
Water for Elephants soundtrack.
James Newton Howard har skrivit dom flesta låtarna på skivan, och vill ni lyssna på dom på spotify kan ni klicka här.
Unbound Captives
Robert är klar för den nya filmen "Unbound Captives". Han kommer spela mot bl.a Hugh Jackman och Rachel Weisz.
Filmens handling:
Unbound Captives is a sweeping, romantic epic starring Hugh Jackman, Robert Pattinson, Rachel Weisz, Garret Dillahunt and recently added Nicola Peltz & Gabriel Liotta about a widowed woman (Weisz) who enlists the help of a frontiersman (Jackman) to find her two children who were taken by a tribe of Indians. Along the way, their relationship blossoms into a beautiful romance.
Mer info än så finns det inte just nu.
Rob out and about in L.A.
Robert är fortfarande i L.A. Tror ni att han kommer joina Kristen i London snart, när det har lugnat ner sig lite?
Intervju med Rob.
- In your new movie Water for elephants you work with animals. Do you have any pets?
"I recenlty got a puppy from a shelter in Louisiana, and called him Bear. He's an extraordinary dog, very smart and playful." En
- Have you ever gone to the circus?
"I haven't, but it's weird that I can feel nostalgic for a place I've never been to."
- When was the last time you cried?
"I continually cry, over everything. I'm crying right now! I'm drying my tears on the keyboard as I'm typing the answers."
- What book is on your bedside table at the moment?
"It's a book written by Steve Fisher, talking about the period when Las Vegas was under the control of the Mafia. I love the story of Las Vegas.
- Who is your favourite hero?
"It's John Self from the novel Money by Martin Amis, because Amis manages to make fascinating even the most disgusting character on earth."
- How do you picture yourself at age 90?
"I want to be with my wife, sitting on a deckchair, sipping some tea, and reading books in a retirement home, in a beautiful and warm place."
- Do you prefer a pair of jeans or a tuxedo?
"Pair of jeans, but I don't mind wearing a tux, not everyday of course."
- Do you read your horoscope?
"No, and I really don't believe in that stuff."
- The first verse of your favourite poem or song
<< "I grew up on the crime side, the New York Times side. Staying alive was no jive" - It's C.R.E.A.M. by the hardcore rap group Wu-Tang Clan from New York. >>
- A must in your closet
"Underwear, which is only necessary thing after all. But I might add socks as well, you know just to make the answer more interesting."
- What is one thing you think you're good and one thing you're bad at?
"I'm really good at the game "words with friends", while I'm not good at the ice hockey simulation NHL 11 for PlayStation 3."
- Which is the song on your Ipod you listen to the most?
"Beside You by Van Morrison. ITunes tells me I've listened to it 53 times, but I resetted the play count twice at least, so I might have listened to it like a hundred times."
- Where would you like to live?
"In LA and NY, or maybe in both cities!
- Are you a techno addct or a romantic guy?
"I'm a romantic guy."
- Which is more difficult to shoot, a sex scenes or a laugh?
"It's hard to say. Both kinds of scenes turned up really well."
- You open your fridge and...
"And there's a Coca-Cola Zero, a pizza from yesterday, 2 day old Chinese food, and a Heineken."
- What is your ringtone?
"The stardart one. Always."
- What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
"I brush my teeth, have a shower and go walk my dog."
- What is your dream?
"Be able to act, write, direct, edit and produce my own movies."
- Are you on any social networks?
"If "words with friends" is considered a social network then yes. But I do not have any twitter nor facebook accounts. There are too many people pretending to be me. If you want to know me, you have to go to the cinema."
- What is your tip for an aspiring actor?
"Be faithful to yourself. That's enough."
- "Oh, and there's this note on the pic: "The big doubt: is he dating Kristen? Yes, no, maybe. Robert changes the subject and doesn't answer this question"


Angående uppdateringen.
Min uppdatering har varit urkass, men har verkligen gör mycket jag måste och ska göra på vardagarna, då ligger det lite risigt med bloggningen. Och Mathilda är och gottar sig i Spanien, så ja, ni märker väl när hon bloggar igen.
Men nu ska twilightmupps-bloggnings-rutinen komma tillbaka igen. Ska verkligen försöka.
Sålänge, njut av Robs nya låt, grymt bra!
Här har ni även ett klipp från när han sjöng;
Försöker med ett till inlägg i eftermiddag, håll utkik!


Det ryktas om att Rob nu är med Kristen & Bear (hans/deras hund) i Toronto, eftersom hans kommande film Cosmopolis kommer börja spelas in där i slutet av maj. Dock vet ingen säkert, men om dom nu är det kan man ju hoppas att det kanske kan komma någon bild därifrån snart?! :)
Källa 1 , 2

Robert som vaxdocka på Madame Tussauds

Ursäkta?! Men den här liknar ju knappt honom? Ni får gärna tycka något annat, men jag tycker att den är väldigt ful om jag ska vara ärlig!

Water for elephants
Idag var jag och kollade på Water for elephants som äntligen visas på bioduken! Längtat! Jag tyckte den var grym och levde verkligen upp till mina höga förväntningar. Go Rob♥ Du som inte sett den.. SE DEN!
Underbara film..
Någon mer som har/kommer sitta bänkad framför WFE?