Popsugar: Robstens hottest moments of the year!
No words.
Tycker ni ska ta er tid att titta på denna video, man blir så himla lycklig av den, och den är
verkligen så himla bra gjord.
Libenet: "Half way through the vid's making, I realized that the Newman/Woodward fans could very possibly be insulted by the comparison. Robsten just met 4 years ago. Nothing, actually, compared to the 50 years of "tilI-death-do-us-apart" Newmans' marriage. I guess, for us, it's like comparing Robsten to one of Paris Hilton's relationships. It just sounds insulting. I know.
But I mean no offense at all. To anyone. Especially not to such an amazing legendary couple. I didn't make this vid just for the sake of making it. It's because I really do believe that this relationship (Rob&Kris) can go far. Very far. And I can really see many similarities with the Newmans.
So please, just think about it this way: for me, the R/K relationship is a young plant that is growing in the same fertile and solid ground from which the Newman/Woodward oak grew so old. And I like the idea that it's an excellent omen to the young couple I admire the most.
Most of all, this is for S. (Robstenation), who was the first to draw my attention to the Newmans/Robsten similarity. She's a genuine friend to me and the outstanding blogger of an outstanding site. I know you hate surprises, honey. But I'm really hoping you'll like this one"
R♥bsten - Love speaks in silence
Har blivit rätt dålig uppdatering, ber om ursäkt för det, tar igen allt i morgon.
Ha en fortsatt bra fredagskväll fina ni och kom ihåg att det bara är lite drygt en månad kvar till Breaking Dawn.
Rob & Kristen - Before they were stars.
Det är kul att se att dom inte har förändrats så mycket överhuvudtaget. Utseendet dock, det är ju självklart, men till sättet är dom verkligen sig lika!
Vem kunde veta att dom skulle bli ett av världens största kändispar en dag? ;)
Dagens fanvideor.
Seriöst, 2 av dom finaste fanvideorna om Robsten någonsin. Åh!
Rob är äntligen tillbaka i London.
Nu, en månad senare sedan Kristen åkte till London så har Rob också landat där.
Via Robstenation
Dagens fanvideo.
Tröttnar aldrig på ''robsten fanvideor''. Så fin!
Rob & Kristen - Ett av dom bäst betalda kändisparen i Hollywood.
World's Highest Paid Celeb Couples.
#5 Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart
Coming last, but not least, is Twilight’s Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, who have both earned $20 million last year thanks to the franchise’s global success, making their combined annual salary $40 million. With the end of the Twilight franchise in sight, they both are preparing for a post-vampire career. Pattinson has taken the lead in more “serious” projects, like Remember Me, which earned $56 million on a budget of $16 million. In the meantime, Stewart’s not-Twilight career hasn’t been as promising as her co-star and real-life boyfriend’s so far. Her 2010 film The Runaways grossed only $4.6 million at the box office. But there’s still hope for Stewart: next month she will be seen in cinemas playing the leading role in the film Snow White and the Huntsman.
15 Augusti - 2009/2010.
Kanske är det en speciell dag för dom...
så är det bara en ren slump.
Who knows?!
Vi får väl se vad som händer då, om 10 dagar, haha.
Collage av Robsten - Comic-con
2008 - 2009 - 2011
Klicka för att se bilderna i större storlek.
Mycket om Rob & Kristen nu känner jag, men det pratas & skrivs väldigt mycket om dom nu så. Senaste är deras "Eyefucking" (ursäkta ordspråket). Kolla bara deras intensiva blickar till varandra!
Kristen på LAX, 4 juli.

Kristen syntes i går på LAX, flygplatsen i L.A. Troligtvis ska hon åka och träffa Rob i Toronto eftersom det står "Air Canada" på flygbanden. Soo sweet!

2 tecken på att Kristen & Rob är ihop

Badshortsen Kristen hade på sig i Karibbean, är sjukt lika dom som Rob hade på sig precis när dom började filma BD i Brasilien. Samma?!
2. Någon har hittat ett kyssmärke på Rob's hals.. Kristens?

Jag kan ju bara säga vad jag tror.. och det är att dom är ihop. Haha, vad annars liksom?!
Vad tror ni?

Bilderna från WFE premiären.

2 smygbilder på Kristen & Robert också, soooo sweeet!

Källor | twilightmovie & kristens.se
Kristen & Rob lämnar WFE premiären
Följer Kristen med Rob på WFE premiären?
Usa premiären av Water for Elephants kommer äga rum i New York på söndag. Och nu är det flera källor som påstår att Kristen kommer följa med Rob på röda mattan.
Via uk.eonline
The U.S. premiere of Robert Pattinson's new movie Water for Elephants is set to take place this Sunday in New York City, and the only thing more entertaining than rating the flick is watching to see if Kristen Stewart will play the supportive gf and actually show.
Remember, Rob's leading lady didn't make it to the Golden Globes or the Oscars? We, like the rest of you Twi-hards, are hoping that K.Stew will shed her red carpet shyness for a loving cause.
After K.Stew's dream laid-back birthday celebration, we were tweaking more than usual when we spotted those pics of the couple sneaking a kiss and sharing a stogie. Signs of commitment? Not until we see them on a red carpet near us.
I mean, it's only fair that the pretty and reserved Stewart pays one forward and rocks her uncomfortable but cute smile alongside Rob and his newly married costar Reese Witherspoon this Sunday in the Big Apple.
Stewart's awardS-show track record might not be the most consistent, but she has remembered in the past to support her man's other movies. Like, Rob's Remember Me premiere.
Granted, she was looking rather rough around the edges and was only posing for pictures solo, but she still flew out to attend. That was Twi-historically a major step in this relaysh.
Plus, if there was any way to prove that this relationship will outlive Edward and Bella, it's to hang up the solo red-carpeting and snap a couple pic for the press and paparazzos.
Look after my heart - I've left it with you.
Börjar det hända lite saker nu måntro..?
1. Ny intervju med Taylor:
Taylor pratar om dans och Kristens matlagningskunskaper.
Taylor om Kristen & Lily Collins olika roller som Snövit
Taylor om "Action" scenerna med Kristen.
2. Har Rob köpt förlovningsring till Kristen? Såhär skriver entertainmentwise:
- With the filming for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn coming to an end, viewers are getting ready to say goodbye to Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. However the same can't be said for Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.
The couple, who have reportedly been dating since the movies began, look like they're going to stay together for a very long time after Rob allegedly bought a diamond promise ring for Kristen.
According to Celebrity Mania, Rob splashed out a cool $17,000 for a "classic style" ring for his rumoured love.
Speaking about the details of the ring, a source revealed: "The ring is rose-cut diamonds set in rose gold. It's a very feminine piece of jewellery and very old. The diamonds aren't huge, and it doesn't look like an engagement ring."
It is thought that when Rob bought the ring, he apparently stated that he "knew Kristen would certainly love it."
Are Robsten the most loved up couple?


Källa | robstenation